Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tawbah (Repentance)

Imagine being in a dark, deep hole. All alone. You lay there, almost comatose and cry out for someone to help. But no one responds. Then imagine this, if you had remembered through all this, Allah (SWT) was there. Listening to your cries and waiting for you to call onto Him. In the Quran, Allah mentions,

"And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided."
[Al-Baqarah, verse 186]

Look closely at the verse above. Allah (SWT) directly ensures us in His magnificent book that when we CALL onto Him, HE RESPONDS! There is never a chance in which he doesn't respond to His Servants. SubhanAllah! Throughout our daily lives, we blindly carry about ...not knowing what is to happen next. School, work, family, and friends become a distraction and at the time, everything seems to be just GOOD! But when the pages turn and distress hits, this is when we as humans should turn to Allah(SWT) and plead for mercy. We have simply forgotten  about Allah (SWT) and convinced ourselves that with the sins we've accumulated, there isn't a chance to be forgiven. But know that Allah forgives all sins and will forgive you. Just ask. The best among you are the ones who commit sins but turn to Him, seeking Tawbah (Repentance). 


Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
[Az-Zumar, verse 53]

4 conditions of making Tawabah:
1. First, leave the sin.
2. Regret ever committing that sin and remorse deeply about that which you've done.
3. Promise to never go back to it ever again.
4. Make amends with those you've wronged and ask for forgiveness.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Limitless Sale

A little orphan, longed for a palm tree that resided in the middle of his house and Abu Lubabah’s house. The Yateem (orphan) wanted to construct a wall between him and his neighbor but he couldn't continue do so because of the tree. The orphan boy went to Abu-Lubabah and asked whether if he could have the palm tree or if he could sell it to him so that he can add it to his garden. Upon hearing this, he right away refused. The boy, crying and saddened, ran away and complained to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Prophet (SAW) then asked those around him to call Abu Lubabah. When he arrived, the Prophet (SAW) said to him "Give him that palm tree and Allah(SWT) will provide you one in Jannah." Angry as to how a Yateem could complain to the Prophet (SAW), Abu Lubabah declined the offer and dismissed himself. In the crowd sat Abu-Darda (RA). Anxious, he stood up and said to the Prophet (SAW)

 "Ya Rasul'Allah, if I buy that tree from him and give it to the Orphan boy, shall I have that tree in heaven?" The Prophet (SAW) responded "Yes." 

With this, Abu-Darda went to Abu Lubabah and asked him if he would sell that tree for his ENTIRE GARDEN. Abu Darda's garden was well known in Madina. It was known to be one of the most beautiful gardens...with rivers flowing, equating to a palace. Shocked and appalled, agreeing, Abu Lubabah could care less for a single tree that an orphan wanted. Immediately, Abu Darda rushed home and upon reaching, saw his wife and children playing in the garden, he shouted,
"Leave the Garden! 
We've sold it to Allah!
 We've sold it to Allah!" 
One of his children at the time had a date in their hand and right before they could even satisfy their hunger, Abu Darda snatched it and threw it back in the garden saying "We've sold it to Allah (SWT)." 

Subhann'Allah. Look around us and reflect on this story for amount. Abu Darda traded his whole garden, leaving nothing for his wife and children for a tree in Jannah. How many of us can honestly say that we would give our most valued of provisions for the sake of Allah (SWT)? Let's not be too quick to answer this question but ask that may Allah make us of those who never miss such an opportunity. Insha'Allah.  

Short clip of the love between Abu Darda and Umm Darda (RA)

Friday, July 20, 2012


A day ago, as I walked into an elevator at Cedar, a man stopped us from speaking and said "Can I please take some of the time we have in this elevator and speak of Allah(SWT)?" Of course, agreeing, we let the man speak. He started to say "Allah(SWT) is our creator and Sustainer. He gave us life and to him we will certainly return. Rely only on Allah(SWT), you will be among the successors in this Duniya."  

Subhan'Allah, how eloquent his speech was in such a short time. To top it off, he gave us three advice's to live by:
1.) Only RELY on Allah(SWT)
2.) Read Quran, even if it may be a verse
3.) Finally, be dutiful to your dear Mother

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