Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fear the beard.

Shaikh ‘Abdurahman As-Sa’idi stated that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ordered us to trim our mustaches and grow our beards. He also informed us that to trim it (facial hair) is from the Majus and the polytheists. He warned his nation from following that misguided custom. So, truly it is strange that we see someone who believes in Allah and His Messenger, yet is stingy in following the example of the Prophet (SAW), the Companions, and the Tabi’een (successors of the Companions). Allah has honored men with beards and has made their beauty and character apparent in it, so woe to the one who shaves it, for he has disobeyed his Lord openly. Do all of those that shave their beards think that they have achieved a handsome appearance? Surely, they have not, since it shames the face of a man and takes away from its nobility. Following the misguided example of others often makes evil things seem comely. Did the people of knowledge not say that if anyone attacked another by shaving his beard and that if it did not ever grow again, then upon the attacker is the responsibility of paying full blood money? This illustrates the honor and good that Allah (the Exalted) has placed in men who keep beards. In parallel to the previous example, imagine the state of the one who assaults his own honor and dignity by removing his beard.

*** This is not of my own words but is advice given in the beautiful book Gems and Jewels.***

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